| {{tag}}
Fejlkode: {{resetErrorCode}}
Her kan der kun vælges en:
Her kan der vælges flere:
Bemærk: ved valg af flere bliver søgningen smallere!
{{item.prices[0].value}} kr. ({{item.prices[0].label}}) / {{item.prices[1].value}} kr. ({{item.prices[1].label}})
{{item.prices[0].value}} kr. ({{item.prices[0].label}}) / {{item.prices[1].value}} kr. ({{item.prices[1].label}})
Her kan du som firmaadministrator ændre de 5 primære kontaktpersoner i jeres firma.
Følgende er nu registreret og vil danne grundlag for kontingentopkrævningen.
Samlet lønsum: {{formattedPayrollFunction}}
Antal ansatte: {{payrollRegistration.numberOfEmployees}}
Antal ansatte d. 30/9: {{payrollRegistration.numberOfEmployees309}}
Vi har sendt dig en kvittering pr. mail.
Har du rettelser, bedes du besvare den mail, vi har sendt dig eller kontakte os per telefon på {{MemberDepartmentPhonenumber}}.
Med venlig hilsen
Join us for concise presentations and interactive discussions with insider experts who are eager to share their knowledge and experience on various aspects of doing business in Poland. Gain invaluable insights on navigating the local market, planning market entry strategies, and optimizing business collaborations with Poland.
You'll have the opportunity to connect with like-minded professionals and build strong business relationships that can unlock new opportunities. Our event is your gateway to gaining a competitive advantage through international expansion and creating synergies between Polish and Danish business cultures.
The conference is aimed at members of Danish Chamber of Commerce who would like to start, expand or improve their business activities in Poland.
Dansk Erhverv
Head of the Trade Department
the Royal Danish Embassy in Warsaw
Digital Sales & Ecommerce Advisor
The Trade Council
Founding Partner and CEO
Managing Director
Scandinavian-Polish Chamber of Commerce
Content & Project Manager
Scandinavian-Polish Chamber of Commerce
Founder and CEO
Hugin Consulting
Peter Nielsen & Partners Law Office
Attorney-at-law and partner
Peter Nielsen & Partners Law Office
Chamber of Digital Economy in Poland
Head of Economic Research & Chief Economist
CEO, Managing Director
Kinnarps Polska
Åbningstider på telefonen er hverdage mellem kl. 8 - 16.