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6-8 November On the occasion of the visit to Italy by Their Royal Highnesses the Crown Prince Couple of Denmark, the organising team is pleased to invite Danish companies to join the business delegation.
In 2017, industrial production went up by 3 per cent, and exports by 7 per cent, leading to a trade surplus of EUR 48 billion. Denmark and Italy share the same goals of creating growth and jobs through innovation and trade. Denmark and Italy are among the strongest supporters of free trade within the EU, making Italy an important business partner for Denmark.
Why attend
The visit to Italy is designed for C-level and senior executives responsible for strategy, marketing/sales and business development, who are charged with driving market development and business innovation. Attendees will participate in two days of stimulating business meetings and gain new insights about the market opportunities in Italy, the third biggest market economy in Europe and the world’s fifth largest manufacturing nation.
Deadline to sign up is 15th June 2018
Please read more and see invitation below: